Her Car Was Destroyed in the Video Production
A brand new BMW she bought with hard-earned money. All she could think about was how her insurance policy didn’t cover vandalism or theft. She was pissed off and sad, she can’t think straight. All she wanted out of this moment was to get the car fixed and forget about this bad day and video production. Then realized, her brother was staying with her. She came into the house screaming in disbelief. “Why would you do such a thing?” she shouted. He walked into the room, his head hung low like a kid getting caught with his hand in the cookie jar. “I don’t know,” he replied, his voice filled with guilt and remorse. “I didn’t know what else to do.”
The Communication of Emotions in Video Production
These two people clearly communicated their emotions and feelings to each other. What were those emotions? It’s pretty obvious: first, anger, and then guilt and regret. The first communication created a situation that was tense and uncomfortable. The next communication clearly shows remorse and empathy. Both people could feel the change in tone of voice as well as body language. In fact, studies have shown that communication is 55% non-verbal (body language) 38% tone of voice, and only 7% spoken words.
In order to communicate better with your clients or co-workers, in posts or video production, you need to understand the true interpretation behind the facial expressions. Ever noticed how your eyebrows are constantly moving? They communicate messages to other people in order to convey feelings, thoughts, and ideas.

Charles Darwin’s publication of “The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals in 1872”, was recognized as part of an important language for communicating emotions. Facial expressions are used to identify differences between identical twins or to mirror an individual’s emotional state.
5 Key Facial Expressions for Video Production
- The Smile Expression
- The Laugh Expression
- The Doubtful Look
- The Fearful Look
- The Angry Expression
A smile can go for miles. Take that to the bank.
- The smile
A smile is a universal gesture that conveys happiness and joy to others around you while strengthening social relationships. Think about how people light up when they see a friend or family member after being apart for a while. Because it plays an important role in network creation and interpersonal communication. Smiling is also related to our sense of humor and amusement during communication with other people which enhances group cohesion. In video production, smiles from cast members can improve the overall mood and tone of your video.
2 . The laugh
Laughter creates a positive environment. Laughing enhances communication, which in turn increases energy opportunities. In interaction situations where more communication is necessary, laughter can be a valuable tool. There was an engineer I once knew who used laughter as a way to deal with anxiety. In situations that made her nervous, she would laugh in order to put others more at ease and keep communication flowing smoothly. Laughing is a good way for people to relate to each other on a more personal level. People can understand what the other person is feeling through their laughter.
3 . The Doubtful look
The doubtful look is an emotion that conveys the degree of conviction in communication. This type of reaction is to express doubt or disbelief and is often accompanied by raised eyebrows. It is important when considering communication about things like science experiments or events where something surprising has occurred. Peter, a movie theater manager, uses doubtful expressions quite frequently.
The expressions he makes are delivered with conviction because he has learned they are effective communication tools for conveying ideas that may not be popular.
4 . The Fearful Look
This expression occurs when people find it difficult to predict what is expected of them socially and results in communication apprehension. People may also experience anxiety towards you because they are worried about saying or doing the wrong thing which prompts communication apprehension. A fearful expression makes people more sensitive to stimuli around them and can increase communication effectiveness during video production.
In one of our favorite movies by Jordan Peel “Get Out”, the Sunken Place scene and cover of production have one of the best fearful facial expressions of all time. Behind that face is one of the best horror movies of 2017, and the director leveraged the communication tool of the fearful expression to make an impactful delivery of emotion.
5 . The Angry Look
Anger is a reaction to difficult or unpleasant messages from other people. When characters are in disagreement with one another, it is important to deliver the message in a clear way. One of the best ways to do this is by using facial expressions, but it is important that you choose the correct expression.
For example, when communicating about how much an item costs, a facial expression of anger does not have the effect that you want. Negative facial expressions make people think more deeply about messages they receive during video production. It’s better to use one of the positive emotions like happiness or surprise because they make your message less intense and more open for discussion. This will create an environment for discussion where people can feel comfortable discussing their ideas with you. Understanding facial expressions will help you communicate more effectively and create better video productions.
The University of California at Berkeley Study
These five facial expressions play a vital role in communication and video production. They convey messages and evoke emotions during communication to help improve production value.
A study at the University of California at Berkeley found that communication apprehension during communication with other people is the main reason for communication failure. Ineffective communication is a lack of communication confidence as well as communication skills and improves through practice and preparation. Good communication skills contribute to better video production and help you create a better end product.
Bottom Line
When preparing for communication, it is important to think about the audience before you make any communication moves. This will help you understand how best to approach the communication situation and create better video productions. By considering what others may feel or think during communication, you can improve production value during video production.
Facial expressions are an integral part of communication; they act as useful tools for effective communication with your audience. Understanding facial expressions will help you communicate more effectively and create better video productions. These principles will also impact your communication in your personal life.